19th - 23rd March 2024

Aimed at the therapists of today and tomorrow

Share with us an experience of holistic union between contemporary techniques and ancient knowledge of the use of sound in health, in a unique place in Ecuador

Bilingual Event, Spanish - English

An experience of awareness and growth

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A revolutionary perspective as therapists, artists and humans

In our congress you will have the opportunity to learn about the latest trends, techniques and advances in sound therapy, incorporating current and ancient knowledge from different cultures of humanity. We teach the therapists of today and tomorrow, applying the alliance of ancestral knowledge from Europe and America. This is a historical union of the ancient knowledge of humanity, with references from each area in the same congress.


Studying the ancient knowledge of the use of sound as medicine for the body and soul.


Brings out the best of the inner glow that dwells in you and use it as the main way to heal.


Connect with the infinite source of life, revitalizes your body and your patients in it


Allow yourself to feel the love and fulfillment that you deserve, only healing yourself you will be able to give you a real help to others

The ideal place at the perfect time

Our congress will take place in the Papallacta Hot Springs: Once again nominated as the Best Resort in South America 2023.

Unique destination located in Ecuador, due to the combination of natural hot springs and its impressive views of the Andes Mountains.

Its volcanic hot springs can provide health benefits such as: relief from stress, pain and inflammation; improvement of blood circulation; benefits for the skin and helps in respiratory problems.

Live the spring equinox

Starting on March 19 is not a random choice, much less if it is a congress in the lands of Ecuador, since we perfectly coincide with the spring equinox in the exact middle of the world. On the equator, the spring equinox is a moment of equality, symbolizing times of balance and harmony in nature. Since at that time the day and night have the same duration throughout the world. At 12 noon on the equator, on the day of the vernal equinox, the sun is just above the equator, illuminating both Earth's hemispheres equally and marking the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere

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Your ticket to the congress includes::

Accommodation in the Resort Termas de Papallacta hot springs on full board shared double room (alcoholic beverages not included)

Access to all presentations, including evening concerts

Transfer airport Resort - Resort airport

2 healthy breaks during congress hours (alcoholic drinks not included)

Unlimited access to private thermal pools

Visit to the "middle of the world" to celebrate the equinox as it has been done in ancient cultures


Special Launch Price: $1990  (pago único)
If you prefer to pay up to 6 installments, the price is $2190 ($365/month)

  • Reserve your place for 365 USD
  • Más información sobre fechas y medios de pago: cuevasdelilallo@gmail.com
  • Métodos de pago:

1) Make your payment in USD directly to our bank account

2) Usa el «NÚMERO DE PEDIDO» como referencia de pago

3) Your order will be processed when we have received the amount in our account

For payments made by credit card there will be a commission of 6%

Your ticket to the congress includes::

Accommodation at the Termas de Papallacta Resort on a full board basis in a shared double room (alcoholic beverages not included)

Access to all presentations, including evening concerts

Transfer airport Resort - Resort airport

2 healthy breaks during congress hours (alcoholic drinks not included)

Unlimited access to private thermal pools

Visit to the "middle of the world" to celebrate the equinox as it has been done in ancient cultures


Special Launch Price: $1990  (pago único)
If you prefer to pay up to 6 installments, the price is $2190 ($365/month)

Reserve your place for 365 USD

Para más información sobre fechas y medios de pago contactar a: cuevasdelilallo@gmail.com

Métodos de pago:

1) Make your payment in USD directly to our bank account

2) Usa el «NÚMERO DE PEDIDO» como referencia de pago

3) Your order will be processed when we have received the amount in our account

For payments made by credit card there will be a commission of 6%


Each specialist will accompany you in your training process


Vikrampal left his positions as a manager and a university professor to become a yogi. Pioneer in Spain, in the diffusion of the gong as an instrument of meditation and therapy, today he is a world reference. He is also one of the leading experts in the use of gong in kundalini yoga. He participates in numerous festivals and events inside and outside of Spain, related to meditation, yoga, consciousness, sound healing, etc. In an online format, he shares conferences with eminences in these sectors such as the Dalai Lama, Joe Dispenza and Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Deepak Chopra, among many others. Multidisciplinary training in Personal Development and Systemic Therapy, Social Triformation and Anthroposophy


Independent researcher and cultural manager. Archaeoastronomical explorations and investigations in the Equatorial Andes. Defender and work in value enhancement of the Cultural and Natural Heritage of Ecuador. Studies and research in theoretical geography, archaeoastronomy and ethnobotany. He is a reference in the dissemination of the Equatorial Andean Cosmovision, Activism in human rights and promotion of Peace, representative of Peace Media Asia. Director and founder of the Quitsato Project Director of the Solar Clock Cultural Center "Quitsato", Cayambe Ecuador. The "Quitsato" Solar Clock is the first monument which has been built in relation to space technology, not only because of its satellite positioning, but also because its platform can be observed and processed from satellites. To learn more, we invite you to visit his website: www.quitsato.org


Licenciado en Composición Musical (UNVM -Argentina) y Magister en Historia y Antropología de América (UCM – España). Intérprete, constructor e investigador especializado en instrumentos musicales precolombinos del Ecuador producidos en torno a la línea ecuatorial. A lo largo de su carrera se ha desempeñado como productor audiovisual, musico profesional y escritor acerca del saber musical de la culturas ancestrales americanas. Creador de la escuela online de formación en sonidos prehispánicos: «YAKUSIMI: Sonidos Ancestrales de América»(www.sonidoancestral.com). Ha realizado giras internacionales por diversos paí­ses latinoamericanos y europeos. Cuenta con una extensa discografía, 12 producciones musicales, junto a diversos musicos internacionales (Pierre Hamon, Hikaru Iwakawa, Nicola Cruz, entre otros). Actualmente se encuentra terminando el Doctorado en Historia y Arqueología en la UCM (España).


Multi-instrumentalist, composer and expert in the neurobiology of sound. Nacho Arimany is a multi-instrumentalist musician and creator. He is a sound translator and a channel for dialogue across and between different cultures expressed through universal rhythms. Although his roots began near Jazz and Flamenco as a world-renowned talent. Since then, he has been influenced by Eastern melodies, Indian and West African percussion. Arimany creates a vortex of sound that he describes as "a prism with many faces." He has performed at prestigious venues and large events around the world, including New York's Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, and the Latin Grammy Awards.

We train human therapists who seek authentic healing through sound

The objective of our congress is to approach sound therapy from different perspectives, practices and approaches, based on ancient and ancestral concepts, to contemporary and scientific methods. Our work team is made up of different specialists. Our main teachers are: Vikrampal, a therapist specialized in healing through gong and kundalini yoga; Cristobal Cobo, independent researcher and cultural manager, specialized in astronomy, focusing his studies on an Andean cosmogonic vision; Esteban Valdivia, archaeomusicologist specializing in the study of pre-Columbian sonority and Nacho Arimany, multi-instrumentalist, composer and expert in the neurobiology of sound.

Sound has had a key importance in human societies since their origins. Each era, culture and territory knew how to develop it as a practice encompassing different approaches and finding different qualities and forms of use. Our proposal to unite a team with specialists in different fields and territories, incorporating the ancient wisdom of both continents in an integrated training that gives the therapist versatility and the ability to feel and think through sound from a complete and comprehensive vision.

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